What if you were sitting on the hill when a man took a couple of doughy rolls and small fish, only to multiply them and feed thousands.
What if you were not just sitting on the hill, but were asked to hand out the doughy rolls and small fish out to everyone sitting on the hill.
5 rolls. 2 fish. All 5,000 people were full.
From just a five rolls and a couple fish.
And there were twelve baskets of leftovers.
Would you believe that Jesus was God?
John 6:1-15
What if you got to watch Jesus heal the old blind man sitting at the city gate? What if you then got to listen to this man as he was describing his first glance at color?
Would you believe that Jesus was God?
Matthew 9:27-31
What if you got to touch the brow of the little girl that Jesus brought back from the dead? You were there for the whole ordeal. Sure enough, she was dead. In fact, the funeral had begun. Then the little girl got up. She was not dead anymore.
Would you believe Jesus was God?
Matthew 9:18-26
What if you were in the middle of the fiercest storm you had ever been in, and you saw Jesus walking on water?
Would you believe Jesus was God?
What if he told you to step out and walk on water as well?
And you did.
Would you believe Jesus was God?
Matthew 14:22-36
Would a consistent, unfaltering faith well up?
Would you believe and live like it?
Would questions float away? Would concerns vanish?
Probably not.
Look at Peter.
He handed out the fish. He touched the face of the blind man, and talked with the little girl who was brought back to life. He saw the Lord walking on water. He himself even walked on water.
But still Peter doubted. He wondered if Jesus was big enough to handle his problems.
And this was after he had seen. After he had touched. After he had lived through the miracles of Jesus.
Pay attention. This story is awesome. The disciples are
kickin' it out in their boat in the middle or a huge storm. And they see a man walking towards them... walking on water. That’s when Peter speaks up. He thinks this person is Jesus. But just to make sure, he shouts “If it is really you, Jesus, have me come out to you.”
The reply was simple. “Come.”
As quick as he blurted out his request, he responded to the command. Peter hoisted up his robe, stepped over the side of the boat, and took a few steps.
Yes, steps on water.
But then Peter lost his focus. He took his eyes off of Jesus, and became aware of the fierce wind, the massive waves, and the danger that is at hand. He doubts that he will make it out to Jesus.
Even though Jesus commanded him to come.
And he starts to sink.
Of all people, why would Peter doubt?!
What else did he want?
But Peter’s life teaches us something important.
He certainly knew that Jesus did crazy cool things. He verified the miracles by talking to the once dead girl, or listening to the blind man talk about what he could now see. But certainty is not what living for God is about.
Faith is not certainty.
Faith is knowing enough, and trusting the rest.
Like Peter, Jesus has also commanded you to come to Him.
When life gets hard, will you take your eyes off of Jesus and become distracted by the threatening wind, the massive waves, and the danger that is at hand?
God has commanded you to come. Do you doubt that?
If God has commanded it, then it can happen.
Will you doubt?
Peter flirted with the longing to be certain that Jesus was God.
Peter was teased by the desire to know without a doubt.
Enough had happened for Peter to know that Jesus was God.
Now he simply needed to believe.
Enough has happened for You to know that Jesus is God.
Now you simply need to believe.
Believe and live.